Our Cub Pack Tedburn and Cheriton Scout Group

Who are we?

  • Age: 8 - 10 1/2 years
  • Meet: 6:30pm - 8pm Thursdays

The Cub Pack is divided into smaller groups called Sixes. Their programme focusses on a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging including games and activities with time spent outdoors learning camp skills and going on hikes.

As with all our Sections, we plan and run a balanced programme so that all Cubs get the opportunity to complete the seven Challenge badges and at least with six activity badges to earn their Chief Scout’s Silver Award before they move on to Scouts.

They will also have the opportunity to take part in the fun and excitement of camps and sleepovers. It may be the first time they spend a night away from home so it’s a real adventure for them.

The Scout Association has produced a guide for parents, which you can download here: A Parent’s Guide to Cubs.

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Uniform can either be bought from the online Scout Store or from the Exeter Scout Store. If you’re not sure where to start, or could use a little help with uniform costs, fear not. Your Scout leader can chat to you about options. The most important thing when you first arrive is wearing something that you feel natural and comfortable in.

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If you would like to come along and meet us, or find out more about becoming a volunteer we would love to hear from you.

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